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Shalgherir Simanai PDF is a Novel book written By Samaresh Basu. Shahitty Prokash book publishing agency published this book in 1963. Shalgherir Simanai By Samaresh Basu is 210 pages, and 08 MB sizes pdf file. You can get this book now free. Book Details: Book Name: Shalgherir Simanai Writer:  Samaresh Basu Category: Novel Publisher: Shahitty Prokash Published: 1963 Total pages: 210 PDF Size: 08 Mb   Samaresh Basu writes Shalgherir Simanai PDF. He is an Indian writer. From 1943 to 1949 worked in the song factory in Ichapur. He was an active member of the trade union and the Communist Party of India. Because of this, he was sentenced to the 3-5 jail term. In prison, he wrote his first novel ‘Uttaranga.’ After his release from prison, he accepted writing as a profession.

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